The Cliffe Bridge

R.A.T.S student’s artwork
(Raising Awareness of Tides and Sea levels)
facilitated by Community Artist Michelle Dufaur
Click for Map
A collection of artistic and informative animations promoting the Linklater RATS.
This voluntary after school group emerged from the Coastal Communities 2150 project and they named themselves The Linklater RATS, Raising Awareness of Tides and Sea levels. The group is dedicated to raising the awareness of the present issue of flooding, which is an important issue for Lewes, the Ouse Valley and many other parts of the UK. This project is hoping to run for the next 150 years with one set of young people ‘passing the baton’ to the next. In this time, it aims to progress young people’s understanding of flooding and sea level rise through meeting with experienced professionals, recording information and experimenting with new ideas.
Digital Illustrator & Animation by Chris Prewett
Projection by Digital Artist Tim Minter
www.timminter.com www.instagram.com/timminterart/

Thanks to:
Linklater RATS are mentored by Trustee Dr John Parry
Kindly supported by the Coastal Communities 2015, Environment Agency, Lewes Railway Land Wildlife Trust, Priory School & Kings Academy