The Railway Land & Linklater Pavilion
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Earth gives us everything we need to live, so it is our responsibility to take care of the environment and live a more sustainable existence. Raising awareness about environmental issues, contributing to recycling, reducing carbon emissions and reducing the consumption of natural resources, are just some of the actions we must all undertake to make our planet a better place to live.
We’ve seen an explosion of knowledge about planets orbiting other stars–the result of decades of research on signatures of life–which has encouraged NASA to address, in a scientifically rigorous way, whether humanity is alone and whether we might one day inhabit other planets. This tireless search for a Planet B has distracted us from taking care of the only planet we have, planet Earth.
Visitors to the installation will be asked to imagine the extraordinary beauty of our planet seen from the perspective of Neil Armstrong on the Moon. However, this vision of our planet has been transformed, as the Earth is shown surrounded by pollutive plastic floating on water. In choosing to present our planet in such a visually different way, we hope to make visitors more aware about the environmental issues that we are facing and invite them to look at the issue of irreversible climate change from an entirely different prospective.
Martina graduated from the Academy of Fine Art in Italy and worked as a lighting design technician within theatres in the Far East and Australia. She moved from the ephemeral world of theatre, to the more perpetual realm of architectural lighting design,following a Masters in Lighting Design and LED Technology at Politecnico in Milan. Since 2017, Martina has worked at the award-winning lighting consultancy Nulty, designing creative lighting solutions for hospitality, commercial, retail, exhibition and public realm projects. The project will be supported by Deborah Melton, a student at Bartlett who is completing an MSc in Light and Lighting.
Martina Alagna

Water Wall (2020)
(Holographic Gauze, Digital Video, Electronic Sound)
Maggie Lambert & Emily Lowry
Water Wall is a collaborative installation By Emily Lowry and Maggie Lambert. The sound
is by Jon Meacock.
Water Wall celebrates water and all its physical and mystical properties.
In light of The Climate Crisis we have created a piece that allows us to pay homage to
Mother Nature and our urgent responsibility to protect it.
We hope the installation allows the viewer to experience both the moving image
and the sound of Water Wall in a deeply personal and contemplative way and enables
them to celebrate with us the natural world we so urgently need to cherish.
“I’m an artist based in Lewes, UK. I studied photography at UCA, Farnham and the RCA, London, primarily working between documentary and constructed imagery. Before my studies in photography I was a graphic designer and my current experiments with painting combine a return to graphic forms with a delight in colour and playful subjects.”
Thank you to Brighton University Media Centre

Ripple Effect
RATS students 2019/20 Raising Awareness of Tides & Sea levels working with Community Artist of LewesLight, Michelle Dufaur.
It is 20 years since Lewes’ millennium flood. Despite current flood defences, projected rising tides and sea levels estimate similar levels by 2050.
Electroluminescent wire ripples installed to reflect both the height water levels peaked in Lewes’s 2000 flood and the peer education process of RATS.
Medium – Steel & EL wire
RATS students 2019/20 Raising Awareness of Tides & Sea levels working with Community Artist of Lewes Light, Michelle Dufaur.
Electroluminescent products kindly provided by EL Wire Craft of Cross-in-Hand.

Polar Bears
Nikki Gunson
Polar Bears - Possibly the most striking symbol of the climate emergency stand sentinel outside the Linklater as a reminder that our fears of flooding and extreme weather are not just a local issue but are of global concern.
Nikki Gunson:
“Sculpting is my passion, creating is my life, a compulsive whittler, I love to delve into things, explore, play, and along the way discover a variety of ways to express myself, as well as enabling others through an assortment of workshops, to create and air their own voice
"My bears were built to highlight climate change and the plight of all our lovely creatures that are suffering because of us and our greed, they are very emotive, people apologise to them as do I"